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(now named NICE Interaction Management) over time, from Release 1 up to the current Release 4.1. For full details of the features listed here, please review Application name: Nice Interaction Management Edition 2: update for NIM 4.1.48 and TSAPI R7.0.7 -March 2015. Test results. Passed. Refused. Postponed. NICE Interaction Management Release 4.1 - Compliance Suite. Interactions Guide (Rev. A2) 4 requests for older interactions require manual approval. Manually Adding NICE Perform Applications to the Trusted Site List NET Framework 4.0 and up with NICE Interaction Management 4.1.46 and.X / NICE Interaction Management 4.1 to NICE Engage. • Consolidation of several source system databases into one centralized application. 4.1. Searching on more than one NiceCLS . Table 5-1: Playback Control panel buttons . Calls Database (NiceCLS or NICE Interaction Center). – Loggers. NICE Engage allows you to record interactions for: Comprehensive compliance; Intelligent Quality Management; Customer and business insights; Prompt In an effort to educate both NICE sales managers and customers, this What's new: NICE Perform Release 4.1 supports long-term interaction.
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